Media Experiments
After completing Units 1 and 2, I recognized a stagnation in my artistic practice, prompting an urgent need to seek breakthroughs. This reflective realization aligns with Donald Schön's concept of the "reflective practitioner," which underscores the necessity of questioning and innovating within one's creative process.
During the summer, I embarked on a series of experimental explorations to reenergize my practice.I began with spray painting, delving into its potential to convey raw immediacy and vibrancy, aiming to evoke a sense of dynamism and rebellion in my compositions. Similarly, I experimented with transferring printmaking inks onto paper and fabric surfaces, combining them with watercolor techniques to explore layered visual effects. Additionally, I ventured into blending multiple acrylic pigments on scraper boards, where the interaction of textures allowed for unexpected outcomes. My canvas-based color-mixing exercises were heavily influenced by Josef Albers' studies on color interaction, particularly his assertion that relationships between colors can profoundly alter perception and meaning within a visual context.
Through these explorations, my objective was to challenge the boundaries of my previous comfort zone, actively seeking new materials and approaches to infuse my work with renewed energy and relevance. This period of experimentation marked a pivotal turning point in my practice, enabling me to reassess traditional methodologies while embracing innovative strategies to advance my artistic language.